How to Give Every Dollar a Purpose

Budgeting Tips

Every dollar you bring in should have a purpose or a ‘job.’ This is the premise behind the zero-based budgeting model, and it works for millions. It helps you not only pay your bills on time, but also makes sure you save money every month, something many of us plan for the end of the month only to find that our money is gone.

So how do you give every dollar a purpose? Follow these steps.

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Time to ‘Return to Normal’ for Spending

If you’re like millions of others, you spent a lot less during the pandemic. The stay-at-home orders and the spread of the virus made it easier for us to spend less and save more. Sure, there was plenty of online spending, but much less spending on food and entertainment.

Now that we’re headed back to ‘normal’ what does it mean for our spending? How do you avoid the bad spending habits you had before the pandemic and keep your finances on track?

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