12 Ways to Maximize your Tax Refund

Maximize Your Tax Refund

Tax time is here, which means it is time to figure out how much you owe, or hopefully, you are receiving a refund. But, before filing your taxes, here are 12 ways to minimize your liability.

1.    Write off Childcare Expenses

You may deduct the expenses if you pay for someone to care for your child while you work. The rules are that your child must be under 16, and the spouse with the lowest income must claim the deduction.

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5 Tips to Help you Prepare for your Income Taxes Effectively

Tax season is here. This means it’s time to learn how to prepare your income taxes effectively. Canadians have until May 1, 2023, to file their taxes and be considered on time since April 30th falls on a Sunday this year.

Tax time can be stressful for everyone. Whether you owe money or get a refund, the process can seem overwhelming. To make things easier, here are five tips to help ease your stress.

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Preparing for Tax Season When you Don’t get a Refund

Tax time can be exciting or overwhelming, depending on whether or not you get a refund. If you get a refund, you feel like you’re on top of the world. If you owe money, it can send your budget into a tailspin.

Relying on a refund is not the right choice. Everyone should be prepared to NOT receive a refund, by planning and budgeting throughout the year.

At Creditaid, we want our clients to be prepared for the tax season financially, rather than letting it derail their finances and cause financial destruction. It’s not as hard as it seems. You just need to budget and plan long before tax season begins.

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